NO.1 同时支持在线卡和离线卡:有网络直接使用在线卡,无网络使用离线卡,而且不需要配置额外充值机。
Both online card and offline card are supported: online card is used directly with network, offline card is used without network, and no additional recharge machine is required.
NO.2 独家防盗刷卡:采用行业特有的数字签名方案,实时监控任何复制卡,盗刷卡现象,从根本上上杜绝盗卡。
Exclusive anti-theft card swiping: the industry-specific digital signature scheme is adopted to monitor any duplicate card and stolen card swiping in real time, so as to fundamentally eliminate card theft.
NO.3 一卡多用:门禁卡、公交卡、手机、智能手环,只要支持MI格式,都可以直接刷卡充电。
One card for multiple purposes: access control card, bus card, mobile phone and smart bracelet. As long as it supports Mi format, you can swipe the card directly for charging.
NO.4 发卡充值二合一:不需要额外购买充值机,充电桩设备本身自带给卡充值功能,发卡功能。
Card issuing and recharging in one: there is no need to purchase additional recharging machine. The charging pile equipment has its own card recharging function nd card issuing function.
NO.5 支持OTA远程升级:足不出户,保持系统最新平滑应用。
Support OTA remote upgrade: stay at home and keep the latest smooth application of the system.
NO.6 支持一键返修:设备若出现问题,在云平台操作上报故障,客服第一时间收到通知,进行售后处理。
Support one click repair: if there is a problem with the equipment, report the fault on the cloud platform, and the customer service receives the notice at the first time for after-sales treatment.
NO.7 质量过硬:三年质保,售后无忧。
Excellent quality: three-year warranty, worry free after-sales.
产品类型:电动两轮智能充电桩 | 产品型号:B10-V6 |
产品尺寸:320mm*200mm*50mm | 主要材质:钣金 |
适用场地:室内/室外 | 安装方式:壁挂、立式 |
充电路数:10路 | 待机功率:6W |
额定工作电流:4A | 输入额定电压:220V+/-20%,50+/-3HZ |
整机最大输出功率:10000W | 每一路输出最大功率:1000W (默认,可后台调整) |
保险丝规格:10A 220V | 工作湿度:5%〜95%无凝霜 |
工作温度:-25°C~+50°C | 防护等级:IP54 |