(function() {
var module;
module = angular.module('angularBootstrapNavTree', []);
module.directive('abnTree', [
'$timeout', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: "
replace: true,
scope: {
treeData: '=',
onSelect: '&',
initialSelection: '@',
treeControl: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var error, expand_all_parents, expand_level, for_all_ancestors, for_each_branch, get_parent, n, on_treeData_change, select_branch, selected_branch, tree;
error = function(s) {
console.log('ERROR:' + s);
return void 0;
if (attrs.iconExpand == null) {
attrs.iconExpand = 'icon-plus glyphicon glyphicon-plus fa fa-plus';
if (attrs.iconCollapse == null) {
attrs.iconCollapse = 'icon-minus glyphicon glyphicon-minus fa fa-minus';
if (attrs.iconLeaf == null) {
attrs.iconLeaf = 'icon-file glyphicon glyphicon-file fa fa-file';
if (attrs.expandLevel == null) {
attrs.expandLevel = '3';
expand_level = parseInt(attrs.expandLevel, 10);
if (!scope.treeData) {
alert('no treeData defined for the tree!');
if (scope.treeData.length == null) {
if (treeData.label != null) {
scope.treeData = [treeData];
} else {
alert('treeData should be an array of root branches');
for_each_branch = function(f) {
var do_f, root_branch, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
do_f = function(branch, level) {
var child, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
f(branch, level);
if (branch.children != null) {
_ref = branch.children;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
_results.push(do_f(child, level + 1));
return _results;
_ref = scope.treeData;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
root_branch = _ref[_i];
_results.push(do_f(root_branch, 1));
return _results;
selected_branch = null;
select_branch = function(branch) {
if (!branch) {
if (selected_branch != null) {
selected_branch.selected = false;
selected_branch = null;
if (branch !== selected_branch) {
if (selected_branch != null) {
selected_branch.selected = false;
branch.selected = true;
selected_branch = branch;
if (branch.onSelect != null) {
return $timeout(function() {
return branch.onSelect(branch);
} else {
if (scope.onSelect != null) {
return $timeout(function() {
return scope.onSelect({
branch: branch
scope.user_clicks_branch = function(branch) {
if (branch !== selected_branch) {
return select_branch(branch);
get_parent = function(child) {
var parent;
parent = void 0;
if (child.parent_uid) {
for_each_branch(function(b) {
if (b.uid === child.parent_uid) {
return parent = b;
return parent;
for_all_ancestors = function(child, fn) {
var parent;
parent = get_parent(child);
if (parent != null) {
return for_all_ancestors(parent, fn);
expand_all_parents = function(child) {
return for_all_ancestors(child, function(b) {
return b.expanded = true;
scope.tree_rows = [];
on_treeData_change = function() {
var add_branch_to_list, root_branch, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
for_each_branch(function(b, level) {
if (!b.uid) {
return b.uid = "" + Math.random();
console.log('UIDs are set.');
for_each_branch(function(b) {
var child, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
if (angular.isArray(b.children)) {
_ref = b.children;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
_results.push(child.parent_uid = b.uid);
return _results;
scope.tree_rows = [];
for_each_branch(function(branch) {
var child, f;
if (branch.children) {
if (branch.children.length > 0) {
f = function(e) {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
return {
label: e,
children: []
} else {
return e;
return branch.children = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = branch.children;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
return _results;
} else {
return branch.children = [];
add_branch_to_list = function(level, branch, visible) {
var child, child_visible, tree_icon, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
if (branch.expanded == null) {
branch.expanded = false;
if (!branch.children || branch.children.length === 0) {
tree_icon = attrs.iconLeaf;
} else {
if (branch.expanded) {
tree_icon = attrs.iconCollapse;
} else {
tree_icon = attrs.iconExpand;
level: level,
branch: branch,
label: branch.label,
tree_icon: tree_icon,
visible: visible
if (branch.children != null) {
_ref = branch.children;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
child_visible = visible && branch.expanded;
_results.push(add_branch_to_list(level + 1, child, child_visible));
return _results;
_ref = scope.treeData;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
root_branch = _ref[_i];
_results.push(add_branch_to_list(1, root_branch, true));
return _results;
scope.$watch('treeData', on_treeData_change, true);
if (attrs.initialSelection != null) {
for_each_branch(function(b) {
if (b.label === attrs.initialSelection) {
return $timeout(function() {
return select_branch(b);
n = scope.treeData.length;
console.log('num root branches = ' + n);
for_each_branch(function(b, level) {
b.level = level;
return b.expanded = b.level < expand_level;
if (scope.treeControl != null) {
if (angular.isObject(scope.treeControl)) {
tree = scope.treeControl;
tree.expand_all = function() {
return for_each_branch(function(b, level) {
return b.expanded = true;
tree.collapse_all = function() {
return for_each_branch(function(b, level) {
return b.expanded = false;
tree.get_first_branch = function() {
n = scope.treeData.length;
if (n > 0) {
return scope.treeData[0];
tree.select_first_branch = function() {
var b;
b = tree.get_first_branch();
return tree.select_branch(b);
tree.get_selected_branch = function() {
return selected_branch;
tree.get_parent_branch = function(b) {
return get_parent(b);
tree.select_branch = function(b) {
return b;
tree.get_children = function(b) {
return b.children;
tree.select_parent_branch = function(b) {
var p;
if (b == null) {
b = tree.get_selected_branch();
if (b != null) {
p = tree.get_parent_branch(b);
if (p != null) {
return p;
tree.add_branch = function(parent, new_branch) {
if (parent != null) {
parent.expanded = true;
} else {
return new_branch;
tree.add_root_branch = function(new_branch) {
tree.add_branch(null, new_branch);
return new_branch;
tree.expand_branch = function(b) {
if (b == null) {
b = tree.get_selected_branch();
if (b != null) {
b.expanded = true;
return b;
tree.collapse_branch = function(b) {
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
b.expanded = false;
return b;
tree.get_siblings = function(b) {
var p, siblings;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
p = tree.get_parent_branch(b);
if (p) {
siblings = p.children;
} else {
siblings = scope.treeData;
return siblings;
tree.get_next_sibling = function(b) {
var i, siblings;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
siblings = tree.get_siblings(b);
n = siblings.length;
i = siblings.indexOf(b);
if (i < n) {
return siblings[i + 1];
tree.get_prev_sibling = function(b) {
var i, siblings;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
siblings = tree.get_siblings(b);
n = siblings.length;
i = siblings.indexOf(b);
if (i > 0) {
return siblings[i - 1];
tree.select_next_sibling = function(b) {
var next;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
next = tree.get_next_sibling(b);
if (next != null) {
return tree.select_branch(next);
tree.select_prev_sibling = function(b) {
var prev;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
prev = tree.get_prev_sibling(b);
if (prev != null) {
return tree.select_branch(prev);
tree.get_first_child = function(b) {
var _ref;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
if (((_ref = b.children) != null ? _ref.length : void 0) > 0) {
return b.children[0];
tree.get_closest_ancestor_next_sibling = function(b) {
var next, parent;
next = tree.get_next_sibling(b);
if (next != null) {
return next;
} else {
parent = tree.get_parent_branch(b);
return tree.get_closest_ancestor_next_sibling(parent);
tree.get_next_branch = function(b) {
var next;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
next = tree.get_first_child(b);
if (next != null) {
return next;
} else {
next = tree.get_closest_ancestor_next_sibling(b);
return next;
tree.select_next_branch = function(b) {
var next;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
next = tree.get_next_branch(b);
if (next != null) {
return next;
tree.last_descendant = function(b) {
var last_child;
if (b == null) {
n = b.children.length;
if (n === 0) {
return b;
} else {
last_child = b.children[n - 1];
return tree.last_descendant(last_child);
tree.get_prev_branch = function(b) {
var parent, prev_sibling;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
prev_sibling = tree.get_prev_sibling(b);
if (prev_sibling != null) {
return tree.last_descendant(prev_sibling);
} else {
parent = tree.get_parent_branch(b);
return parent;
return tree.select_prev_branch = function(b) {
var prev;
if (b == null) {
b = selected_branch;
if (b != null) {
prev = tree.get_prev_branch(b);
if (prev != null) {
return prev;