22 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # !/usr/bin/env python
  3. import datetime
  4. import logging
  5. import time
  6. from mongoengine import DoesNotExist
  7. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
  8. from apps.web.core.exceptions import ServiceException
  9. from apps.web.core.utils import delay_async_operation
  10. from apps.web.device.models import Device, Group, Battery
  11. from apps.web.eventer.base import WorkEvent
  12. from apps.web.eventer import EventBuilder
  13. from apps.web.user.models import ServiceProgress, ConsumeRecord, MyUser
  15. from apps.web.eventer import Event
  16. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  17. class builder(EventBuilder):
  18. def __getEvent__(self, device_event):
  19. # type:(dict)->Event
  20. event_data = self.deviceAdapter.analyze_event_data(device_event['data'])
  21. return AnQiEvent(self.deviceAdapter, event_data)
  22. class AnQiEvent(WorkEvent):
  23. def __init__(self, smartBox, event_data):
  24. super(AnQiEvent, self).__init__(smartBox, event_data) # zjl add smartBox
  25. self._devNo = self.device.devNo
  26. def do(self, **args):
  27. """
  28. 主要变量是柜门的开关
  29. :param **args:
  30. :return:
  31. """
  32. if not self.event_data:
  33. return
  34."device <{}> door status has been charged, curInfo is <{}>".format(self._devNo, self.event_data))
  35. portStr = self.event_data.get("portStr")
  36. doorStatus = self.event_data.get("doorStatus")
  37. if doorStatus == "opened":
  38. self.hand_opened()
  39. elif doorStatus == "closed":
  40. self.hand_closed()
  41. else:
  42. logger.error(
  43. "invalid door status code ,dev is {}, port is {} status is {}".format(self._devNo, portStr, doorStatus))
  44. def hand_opened(self):
  45. """
  46. 通过非指令手段开门,锁控板才会上传开门指令
  47. :return:
  48. """
  49. portStr = self.event_data.get("portStr")
  50. batterySn = self.event_data.get("batteryImei", "")
  51. self.warning_to_dealer(portStr, batterySn)
  52. # 出现这种非法开门之后,直接更新一个无效的currentUseInfo 将设备锁死
  53. # currentUseInfo = {"openId": "invalid user"}
  54. # if batterySn:
  55. # currentUseInfo.update({"chargeIndex2": portStr, "newBatteryImei": batterySn})
  56. # else:
  57. # currentUseInfo.update({"chargeIndex1": portStr})
  58. # Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  59. # Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  60. return
  61. def hand_closed(self):
  62. """
  63. 处理柜门被关闭的事件
  64. 完整的换电记录也会有两次关门事件上报
  65. 第一次上报的关门 是客户放入电池的关门 此次事件相对重要 需要反复校验电池是否存在
  66. 第二次上报的关门 是作为服务结束的标志
  67. 从事件中标志第一次还是第二次关门的有两种条件 第一个是记录是否完整 第二个是是否有电池
  68. :return:
  69. """
  70. devCache = Device.get_dev_control_cache(self._devNo)
  71. currentUseInfo = devCache.get("currentUseInfo", dict())
  72. portStr = self.event_data.get("portStr")
  73. batterySn = self.event_data.get("batteryImei")
  74. # 开启放入电池的电池编号
  75. try:
  76. self.deviceAdapter._turn_on_power(portStr)
  77. except Exception as e:
  78. pass
  79. # 首先检验 currentUseInfo 中的订单信息,如果没有订单信息 则是无效信息 这个地方直接将orderNo弹出 避免再次检测到有效事件
  80. orderNo = currentUseInfo.get("orderNo", "")
  81. if not orderNo:
  82. return
  83. try:
  84. ConsumeRecord.objects.get(orderNo = orderNo)
  85. except DoesNotExist:
  86. logger.error("orderNo does not exists, orderNo is <{}>".format(orderNo))
  87. # 没有订单的关门事件 不做任何处理 保留一切信息
  88. return
  89. # 首先检验当前使用信息中是否有 chargeIndex2 如果说已经存在chargeIndex2的情况下 那就一定是第二次上报的关门
  90. chargeIndex1 = currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex1")
  91. chargeIndex2 = currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex2")
  92. # 不应该出现的情况
  93. if not chargeIndex1 and not chargeIndex2:
  94. # 将下一个用户的扫码开启端口设置为None 下次扫码的时候再次获取
  95. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  96. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  97. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  98. logger.error("currentUseInfo chargeIndex info missing, curInfo is {}".format(currentUseInfo))
  99. return
  100. # 第一次的关门事件
  101. # 2020-9-27 安琦新增需求 用户放入电池不是上一次取走的电池 直接给经销商告警
  102. elif chargeIndex1 and not chargeIndex2:
  103. # 上报的信息不是本订单的信息,直接忽略
  104. if portStr != chargeIndex1:
  105. self.delay_clear_current_info()
  106. return
  107."<{}> order first closed".format(orderNo))
  108. # 反复检查电池是否已经放入了
  109. if not batterySn:
  110. batterySn = self.get_battery_sn(portStr)
  111. # 再次获取之后还是没有找到电池的SN说明电池没有被放入, 这个地方不应该在进行下一步的操作,直接将此次的行为关闭掉
  112. if not batterySn:
  113. consumeDict = {
  114. "chargeIndex2": "-1",
  115. "oldBatteryImei": "-1",
  116. "newBatteryImei": "-1",
  117. "chargeIndex1": chargeIndex1
  118. }
  119. ServiceProgress.update_progress_and_consume_rcd(
  120. self.device["ownerId"],
  121. {
  122. "open_id": currentUseInfo.get("openId"),
  123. "device_imei": self.device["devNo"],
  124. "isFinished": False
  125. },
  126. consumeDict
  127. )
  128. # 通知用户服务结束 不清除使用信息 需要经销商介入
  129. consumeDict.update({"openId": currentUseInfo.get("openId")})
  130. self.notify_to_user(consumeDict)
  131. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  132. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  133. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  134. # 由于用户没有放入电池 这个地方下一个开启的, nextPort不变 延时后清除正在使用的信息
  135. self.delay_clear_current_info()
  136. return
  137. # 获取到了相应的电池的sn,继续下一步服务 进行柜门的开启, 开启的柜门在用户开启空门的时候已经确定下来了,在currentUseInfo字段里
  138. else:
  139. # 获取上一次的消费记录里面的电池编号
  140. openId = currentUseInfo.get("openId", "")
  141. lastBatterySn = Battery.get_user_last_battery_sn(openId, self.device.ownerId)
  142. if lastBatterySn and lastBatterySn != batterySn:
  143. self.warning_to_dealer_diff_battery(batterySn, lastBatterySn, openId)
  144. battery = Battery.get_one(self.device.ownerId, batterySn)
  145. if battery and battery.disable:
  146. consumeDict = {
  147. "chargeIndex2": "-1",
  148. "oldBatteryImei": batterySn,
  149. "newBatteryImei": "-1",
  150. "chargeIndex1": chargeIndex1
  151. }
  152. ServiceProgress.update_progress_and_consume_rcd(
  153. self.device["ownerId"],
  154. {
  155. "open_id": currentUseInfo.get("openId"),
  156. "device_imei": self.device["devNo"],
  157. "isFinished": False
  158. },
  159. consumeDict
  160. )
  161. # 通知用户服务结束 不清除使用信息 需要经销商介入
  162. consumeDict.update({"openId": currentUseInfo.get("openId")})
  163. self.notify_to_user(consumeDict)
  164. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  165. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  166. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  167. # 将下一个空仓 置空
  168. self.update_next_port(None)
  169. self.delay_clear_current_info()
  170. # TODO 告知经销商 警告电池已经被锁定
  171."disable battery <{}> has been locked!".format(battery.batterySn))
  172. self.warning_to_dealer_disable_battery(batterySn, openId)
  173. return
  174. chargeIndex2 = currentUseInfo.pop("toOpenChargeIndex")
  175. batterySn2 = currentUseInfo.pop("toOpenBattery")
  176. try:
  177. self.deviceAdapter._open_door(chargeIndex2)
  178. except ServiceException:
  179. # 有可能出现的是模块和设备交互失败导致开门失败 或者网络通信不好,这个时候直接通知用户联系经销商处理
  180. consumeDict = {
  181. "chargeIndex2": "-1",
  182. "oldBatteryImei": batterySn,
  183. "newBatteryImei": "-1",
  184. "chargeIndex1": chargeIndex1
  185. }
  186. ServiceProgress.update_progress_and_consume_rcd(
  187. self.device["ownerId"],
  188. {
  189. "open_id": currentUseInfo.get("openId"),
  190. "device_imei": self.device["devNo"],
  191. "isFinished": False
  192. },
  193. consumeDict
  194. )
  195. # 通知用户服务结束 但不清除用户的使用信息 此时一定需要经销商介入处理
  196. consumeDict.update({"openId": currentUseInfo.get("openId")})
  197. self.notify_to_user(consumeDict)
  198. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  199. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  200. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  201. self.delay_clear_current_info()
  202. # 将下一个空仓 置空
  203. self.update_next_port(None)
  204. return
  205. currentUseInfo.update({
  206. "chargeIndex2": chargeIndex2,
  207. "oldBatteryImei": batterySn,
  208. "newBatteryImei": batterySn2
  209. })
  210. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  211. self.update_next_port(chargeIndex2)
  212. # 这个地方更新电池的信息
  213. logger.error("the first battery sn is {}".format(batterySn))
  214. battery = Battery.get_one(self.device.ownerId, batterySn)
  215. if battery:
  216. battery.update_dev_info(self.device.devNo, portStr)
  217. return
  218. # 不应该出现的情况
  219. elif not chargeIndex1 and chargeIndex2:
  220. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  221. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  222. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  223. logger.error("chargeIndex1 missing but chargeIndex2 exists, curInfo is {}".format(currentUseInfo))
  224. return
  225. # 第二次的关门事件
  226. else:
  227. # 上报的信息不是本订单的信息,直接忽略
  228. if portStr != chargeIndex2:
  229. return
  230. # 第二次关门的时候也需要检测里面是否有电池信息,是为了nextPort 防止nextPort开启有电池的门, 但是不再需要反复检测
  231. consumeDict = {
  232. "chargeIndex2": currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex2"),
  233. "oldBatteryImei": currentUseInfo.get("oldBatteryImei"),
  234. "newBatteryImei": currentUseInfo.get("newBatteryImei"),
  235. "chargeIndex1": currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex1")
  236. }
  237. ServiceProgress.update_progress_and_consume_rcd(
  238. self.device["ownerId"],
  239. {
  240. "open_id": currentUseInfo.get("openId"),
  241. "device_imei": self.device["devNo"],
  242. "isFinished": False
  243. },
  244. consumeDict
  245. )
  246. consumeDict.update({"openId": currentUseInfo.get("openId")})
  247. self.notify_to_user(consumeDict)
  248. # 如果用户有放入电池 这个地方就是正常的结束 清空使用信息,下一个用户继续使用 否则不清空,等待经销商介入
  249. if not batterySn:
  250. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  251. # 将电池信息更新
  252. battery = Battery.get_one(dealerId=self.device.ownerId, batterySn=currentUseInfo.get("newBatteryImei"))
  253. if battery:
  254. battery.update_user_info(currentUseInfo.get("openId"))
  255. else:
  256. # 保留一段时间的信息
  257. currentUseInfo.pop("orderNo", None)
  258. Device.clear_port_control_cache(self._devNo, "currentUseInfo")
  259. Device.update_dev_control_cache(self._devNo, {"currentUseInfo": currentUseInfo})
  260. self.delay_clear_current_info()
  261. # 电池还在柜子里面
  262. battery = Battery.get_one(dealerId=self.device.ownerId, batterySn=batterySn)
  263. if battery:
  264. battery.update_dev_info(self.device.devNo, portStr)
  265. self.update_next_port(portStr)
  266. # 更新下一个开门的端口
  267."<{}> order second closed".format(orderNo))
  268. def update_next_port(self, nextPort):
  269. """
  270. 更新下一个开启的端口
  271. :param nextPort:
  272. :return:
  273. """
  274. otherConf = self.device.get("otherConf", dict())
  275. otherConf.update({"nextPort": nextPort})
  276. Device.objects.filter(devNo = self._devNo).update(otherConf = otherConf)
  277. Device.invalid_device_cache(self._devNo)
  278. def get_battery_sn(self, port):
  279. """
  280. 重复三次获取电池的SN,直到获取到了为止,超过三次还没获取到 就是真的没获取到,避免主板检测延迟问题
  281. :param port: 查询batterySn的端口号
  282. :return:
  283. """
  284. for times in xrange(1, 3):
  285. time.sleep(times)
  286. batterySn = self.deviceAdapter._query_battery_imei(port)
  287. if batterySn:
  288. return batterySn
  289. return None
  290. def warning_to_dealer(self, portStr, batterySn):
  291. """
  292. 向经销商告警 有非法柜门打开事件
  293. :return:
  294. """
  295. group = Group.get_group(self.device.get("groupId", ""))
  296. if batterySn:
  297. fault = u"{} 号柜门 ,内有电池, 电池编号为:{}".format(portStr, batterySn)
  298. else:
  299. fault = u"{} 号柜门, 内无电池".format(portStr)
  300. self.notify_dealer(
  301. templateName = "device_fault",
  302. title = "您的设备柜门被手动打开,如非设备人员正常检修,建议您去现场看看",
  303. device = u"{groupNumber}组-{logicalCode}".format(groupNumber=self.device["groupNumber"],
  304. logicalCode=self.device["logicalCode"]),
  305. location = u"{address}-{groupName}".format(address = group["address"], groupName = group["groupName"]),
  306. fault = fault,
  307. notifyTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  308. )
  309. def warning_to_dealer_diff_battery(self, batterySn, lastBatterySn, openId):
  310. """
  311. 经销告警 新旧电池不一样
  312. :param batterySn:
  313. :param lastBatterySn:
  314. :param openId:
  315. :return:
  316. """
  317. user = MyUser.objects.filter(openId=openId, groupId=self.device.groupId).first()
  318. activeInfo = MyUser.get_active_info(openId, agentId=user.agentId)
  319. phoneNumber = activeInfo.get("phoneNumber")
  320. group = Group.get_group(self.device.get("groupId", ""))
  321. fault = "当前放入电池编号 {}, 上次取出电池 {}, 用户 {} 联系方式 {}".format(batterySn, lastBatterySn, user.nickname, phoneNumber)
  322. self.notify_dealer(
  323. templateName = "device_fault",
  324. title = "用户电池编号出现异常",
  325. device = u"{groupNumber}组-{logicalCode}".format(groupNumber = self.device["groupNumber"],
  326. logicalCode = self.device["logicalCode"]),
  327. location = u"{address}-{groupName}".format(address = group["address"], groupName = group["groupName"]),
  328. fault = fault,
  329. notifyTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  330. )
  331. def warning_to_dealer_disable_battery(self, batterySn, openId):
  332. """
  333. 通知经销商 被锁定的电池已经入柜子 请及时的解锁
  334. :param batterySn:
  335. :param openId:
  336. :return:
  337. """
  338. user = MyUser.objects.filter(openId=openId, groupId=self.device.groupId).first()
  339. activeInfo = MyUser.get_active_info(openId, agentId=user.agentId)
  340. phoneNumber = activeInfo.get("phoneNumber")
  341. group = Group.get_group(self.device.get("groupId", ""))
  342. fault = "当前放入电池编号 {}, 用户 {} 联系方式 {}".format(batterySn, user.nickname, phoneNumber)
  343. self.notify_dealer(
  344. templateName = "device_fault",
  345. title = "禁用电池已被锁定",
  346. device = u"{groupNumber}组-{logicalCode}".format(groupNumber = self.device["groupNumber"],
  347. logicalCode = self.device["logicalCode"]),
  348. location = u"{address}-{groupName}".format(address = group["address"], groupName = group["groupName"]),
  349. fault = fault,
  350. notifyTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  351. )
  352. def notify_to_user(self, currentUseInfo):
  353. """
  354. 根据用户的换电行为提醒用户
  355. :param currentUseInfo:
  356. :return:
  357. """
  358. openId = currentUseInfo.get("openId")
  359. if not openId:
  360. return
  361. groupId = self.device.get("groupId")
  362. group = Group.get_group(groupId)
  363. user = MyUser.objects.filter(openId = openId, groupId = groupId).first()
  364. if not group or not user:
  365. return
  366. chargeIndex1 = currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex1")
  367. chargeIndex2 = currentUseInfo.get("chargeIndex2")
  368. batterySn1 = currentUseInfo.get("oldBatteryImei")
  369. batterySn2 = currentUseInfo.get("newBatteryImei")
  370. numChecker = lambda x: False if x == "-1" else True
  371. # 整个流程走完了
  372. if numChecker(chargeIndex1) and numChecker(chargeIndex2) and numChecker(batterySn1) and numChecker(batterySn2):
  373. title = u"\\n\\n设备编号:\\t\\t{logicalCode}\\n\\n服务地址:\\t\\t{group}\\n\\n放入:\\t\\t{p1}端口-{oldB}电池\\n\\n取出:\\t\\t{p2}端口-{newB}电池".format(
  374. logicalCode = self.device.get("logicalCode", ""),
  375. group = group.get("groupName", ""),
  376. p1 = chargeIndex1,
  377. oldB = batterySn1,
  378. p2 = chargeIndex2,
  379. newB = batterySn2,
  380. )
  381. # 放入了电池但是开启有电池门的时候故障了
  382. elif numChecker(chargeIndex1) and not numChecker(chargeIndex2) and numChecker(batterySn1) and not numChecker(batterySn2):
  383. title = u"\\n\\n设备编号:\\t\\t{logicalCode}\\n\\n服务地址:\\t\\t{group}\\n\\n放入:\\t\\t{p1}端口-{oldB}电池".format(
  384. logicalCode = self.device.get("logicalCode", ""),
  385. group = group.get("groupName", ""),
  386. p1 = chargeIndex1,
  387. oldB = batterySn1,
  388. )
  389. # 空柜门没有放入电池
  390. elif numChecker(chargeIndex1) and not numChecker(chargeIndex2) and not numChecker(batterySn1) and not numChecker(batterySn2):
  391. title = u"\\n\\n设备编号:\\t\\t{logicalCode}\\n\\n服务地址:\\t\\t{group}\\n\\n放入:\\t\\t{p1}端口-未放入电池".format(
  392. logicalCode = self.device.get("logicalCode", ""),
  393. group = group.get("groupName", ""),
  394. p1 = chargeIndex1,
  395. )
  396. # 非法的情况
  397. else:
  398. logger.error("invalid notify to user, curInfo is <{}>".format(currentUseInfo))
  399. return
  400. self.notify_user(
  401. managerialOpenId = user.managerialOpenId if user else "",
  402. templateName = "service_complete",
  403. title = title,
  404. service = u"换电柜服务",
  405. remark = u'谢谢您的支持',
  406. finishTime = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  407. )
  408. def delay_clear_current_info(self):
  409. """
  410. 延时清除客户的使用信息,一般发生在换电错误的时候去处理
  411. :return:
  412. """
  413. seconds = int(self.device.get("otherConf", dict()).get("delayTime", 1)) * 60
  414. delay_async_operation(AnQiEvent.delay_func, seconds, self._devNo)
  415. @staticmethod
  416. def delay_func(devNo):
  417. """
  418. 延时函数
  419. :param devNo:
  420. :return:
  421. """
  422. Device.clear_port_control_cache(devNo, "currentUseInfo")