123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409 |
- """
- *******************************************************************
- Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 IBM Corp.
- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
- The Eclipse Public License is available at
- http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
- http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
- Contributors:
- Ian Craggs - initial implementation and/or documentation
- *******************************************************************
- """
- import sys, struct
- from .packettypes import PacketTypes
- class MQTTException(Exception):
- pass
- class MalformedPacket(MQTTException):
- pass
- def writeInt16(length):
- # serialize a 16 bit integer to network format
- return bytearray(struct.pack("!H", length))
- def readInt16(buf):
- # deserialize a 16 bit integer from network format
- return struct.unpack("!H", buf[:2])[0]
- def writeInt32(length):
- # serialize a 32 bit integer to network format
- return bytearray(struct.pack("!L", length))
- def readInt32(buf):
- # deserialize a 32 bit integer from network format
- return struct.unpack("!L", buf[:4])[0]
- def writeUTF(data):
- # data could be a string, or bytes. If string, encode into bytes with utf-8
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- data = bytearray(data, 'utf-8')
- else:
- data = data if type(data) == type(b"") else bytes(data, "utf-8")
- return writeInt16(len(data)) + data
- def readUTF(buffer, maxlen):
- if maxlen >= 2:
- length = readInt16(buffer)
- else:
- raise MalformedPacket("Not enough data to read string length")
- maxlen -= 2
- if length > maxlen:
- raise MalformedPacket("Length delimited string too long")
- buf = buffer[2:2+length].decode("utf-8")
- # look for chars which are invalid for MQTT
- for c in buf: # look for D800-DFFF in the UTF string
- ord_c = ord(c)
- if ord_c >= 0xD800 and ord_c <= 0xDFFF:
- raise MalformedPacket("[MQTT-1.5.4-1] D800-DFFF found in UTF-8 data")
- if ord_c == 0x00: # look for null in the UTF string
- raise MalformedPacket("[MQTT-1.5.4-2] Null found in UTF-8 data")
- if ord_c == 0xFEFF:
- raise MalformedPacket("[MQTT-1.5.4-3] U+FEFF in UTF-8 data")
- return buf, length+2
- def writeBytes(buffer):
- return writeInt16(len(buffer)) + buffer
- def readBytes(buffer):
- length = readInt16(buffer)
- return buffer[2:2+length], length+2
- class VariableByteIntegers: # Variable Byte Integer
- """
- MQTT variable byte integer helper class. Used
- in several places in MQTT v5.0 properties.
- """
- @staticmethod
- def encode(x):
- """
- Convert an integer 0 <= x <= 268435455 into multi-byte format.
- Returns the buffer convered from the integer.
- """
- assert 0 <= x <= 268435455
- buffer = b''
- while 1:
- digit = x % 128
- x //= 128
- if x > 0:
- digit |= 0x80
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- buffer += bytes([digit])
- else:
- buffer += bytes(chr(digit))
- if x == 0:
- break
- return buffer
- @staticmethod
- def decode(buffer):
- """
- Get the value of a multi-byte integer from a buffer
- Return the value, and the number of bytes used.
- [MQTT-1.5.5-1] the encoded value MUST use the minimum number of bytes necessary to represent the value
- """
- multiplier = 1
- value = 0
- bytes = 0
- while 1:
- bytes += 1
- digit = buffer[0]
- buffer = buffer[1:]
- value += (digit & 127) * multiplier
- if digit & 128 == 0:
- break
- multiplier *= 128
- return (value, bytes)
- class Properties(object):
- """MQTT v5.0 properties class.
- See Properties.names for a list of accepted property names along with their numeric values.
- See Properties.properties for the data type of each property.
- Example of use:
- publish_properties = Properties(PacketTypes.PUBLISH)
- publish_properties.UserProperty = ("a", "2")
- publish_properties.UserProperty = ("c", "3")
- First the object is created with packet type as argument, no properties will be present at
- this point. Then properties are added as attributes, the name of which is the string property
- name without the spaces.
- """
- def __init__(self, packetType):
- self.packetType = packetType
- self.types = ["Byte", "Two Byte Integer", "Four Byte Integer", "Variable Byte Integer",
- "Binary Data", "UTF-8 Encoded String", "UTF-8 String Pair"]
- self.names = {
- "Payload Format Indicator": 1,
- "Message Expiry Interval": 2,
- "Content Type": 3,
- "Response Topic": 8,
- "Correlation Data": 9,
- "Subscription Identifier": 11,
- "Session Expiry Interval": 17,
- "Assigned Client Identifier": 18,
- "Server Keep Alive": 19,
- "Authentication Method": 21,
- "Authentication Data": 22,
- "Request Problem Information": 23,
- "Will Delay Interval": 24,
- "Request Response Information": 25,
- "Response Information": 26,
- "Server Reference": 28,
- "Reason String": 31,
- "Receive Maximum": 33,
- "Topic Alias Maximum": 34,
- "Topic Alias": 35,
- "Maximum QoS": 36,
- "Retain Available": 37,
- "User Property": 38,
- "Maximum Packet Size": 39,
- "Wildcard Subscription Available": 40,
- "Subscription Identifier Available": 41,
- "Shared Subscription Available": 42
- }
- self.properties = {
- # id: type, packets
- # payload format indicator
- 1: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 2: (self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 3: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 8: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 9: (self.types.index("Binary Data"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 11: (self.types.index("Variable Byte Integer"),
- [PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.SUBSCRIBE]),
- 17: (self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK, PacketTypes.DISCONNECT]),
- 18: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 19: (self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 21: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK, PacketTypes.AUTH]),
- 22: (self.types.index("Binary Data"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK, PacketTypes.AUTH]),
- 23: (self.types.index("Byte"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT]),
- 24: (self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"), [PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 25: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNECT]),
- 26: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 28: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNACK, PacketTypes.DISCONNECT]),
- 31: (self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNACK, PacketTypes.PUBACK, PacketTypes.PUBREC,
- PacketTypes.PUBREL, PacketTypes.PUBCOMP, PacketTypes.SUBACK,
- PacketTypes.UNSUBACK, PacketTypes.DISCONNECT, PacketTypes.AUTH]),
- 33: (self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 34: (self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 35: (self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"), [PacketTypes.PUBLISH]),
- 36: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 37: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 38: (self.types.index("UTF-8 String Pair"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK,
- PacketTypes.PUBLISH, PacketTypes.PUBACK,
- PacketTypes.PUBREC, PacketTypes.PUBREL, PacketTypes.PUBCOMP,
- PacketTypes.SUBSCRIBE, PacketTypes.SUBACK,
- PacketTypes.UNSUBSCRIBE, PacketTypes.UNSUBACK,
- PacketTypes.DISCONNECT, PacketTypes.AUTH, PacketTypes.WILLMESSAGE]),
- 39: (self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"),
- [PacketTypes.CONNECT, PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 40: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 41: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- 42: (self.types.index("Byte"), [PacketTypes.CONNACK]),
- }
- def allowsMultiple(self, compressedName):
- return self.getIdentFromName(compressedName) in [11, 38]
- def getIdentFromName(self, compressedName):
- # return the identifier corresponding to the property name
- result = -1
- for name in self.names.keys():
- if compressedName == name.replace(' ', ''):
- result = self.names[name]
- break
- return result
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- name = name.replace(' ', '')
- privateVars = ["packetType", "types", "names", "properties"]
- if name in privateVars:
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
- else:
- # the name could have spaces in, or not. Remove spaces before assignment
- if name not in [aname.replace(' ', '') for aname in self.names.keys()]:
- raise MQTTException(
- "Property name must be one of "+str(self.names.keys()))
- # check that this attribute applies to the packet type
- if self.packetType not in self.properties[self.getIdentFromName(name)][1]:
- raise MQTTException("Property %s does not apply to packet type %s"
- % (name, PacketTypes.Names[self.packetType]))
- if self.allowsMultiple(name):
- if type(value) != type([]):
- value = [value]
- if hasattr(self, name):
- value = object.__getattribute__(self, name) + value
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
- def __str__(self):
- buffer = "["
- first = True
- for name in self.names.keys():
- compressedName = name.replace(' ', '')
- if hasattr(self, compressedName):
- if not first:
- buffer += ", "
- buffer += compressedName + " : " + \
- str(getattr(self, compressedName))
- first = False
- buffer += "]"
- return buffer
- def json(self):
- data = {}
- for name in self.names.keys():
- compressedName = name.replace(' ', '')
- if hasattr(self, compressedName):
- data[compressedName] = getattr(self, compressedName)
- return data
- def isEmpty(self):
- rc = True
- for name in self.names.keys():
- compressedName = name.replace(' ', '')
- if hasattr(self, compressedName):
- rc = False
- break
- return rc
- def clear(self):
- for name in self.names.keys():
- compressedName = name.replace(' ', '')
- if hasattr(self, compressedName):
- delattr(self, compressedName)
- def writeProperty(self, identifier, type, value):
- buffer = b""
- buffer += VariableByteIntegers.encode(identifier) # identifier
- if type == self.types.index("Byte"): # value
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- buffer += chr(value)
- else:
- buffer += bytes([value])
- elif type == self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"):
- buffer += writeInt16(value)
- elif type == self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"):
- buffer += writeInt32(value)
- elif type == self.types.index("Variable Byte Integer"):
- buffer += VariableByteIntegers.encode(value)
- elif type == self.types.index("Binary Data"):
- buffer += writeBytes(value)
- elif type == self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"):
- buffer += writeUTF(value)
- elif type == self.types.index("UTF-8 String Pair"):
- buffer += writeUTF(value[0]) + writeUTF(value[1])
- return buffer
- def pack(self):
- # serialize properties into buffer for sending over network
- buffer = b""
- for name in self.names.keys():
- compressedName = name.replace(' ', '')
- if hasattr(self, compressedName):
- identifier = self.getIdentFromName(compressedName)
- attr_type = self.properties[identifier][0]
- if self.allowsMultiple(compressedName):
- for prop in getattr(self, compressedName):
- buffer += self.writeProperty(identifier,
- attr_type, prop)
- else:
- buffer += self.writeProperty(identifier, attr_type,
- getattr(self, compressedName))
- return VariableByteIntegers.encode(len(buffer)) + buffer
- def readProperty(self, buffer, type, propslen):
- if type == self.types.index("Byte"):
- value = buffer[0]
- valuelen = 1
- elif type == self.types.index("Two Byte Integer"):
- value = readInt16(buffer)
- valuelen = 2
- elif type == self.types.index("Four Byte Integer"):
- value = readInt32(buffer)
- valuelen = 4
- elif type == self.types.index("Variable Byte Integer"):
- value, valuelen = VariableByteIntegers.decode(buffer)
- elif type == self.types.index("Binary Data"):
- value, valuelen = readBytes(buffer)
- elif type == self.types.index("UTF-8 Encoded String"):
- value, valuelen = readUTF(buffer, propslen)
- elif type == self.types.index("UTF-8 String Pair"):
- value, valuelen = readUTF(buffer, propslen)
- buffer = buffer[valuelen:] # strip the bytes used by the value
- value1, valuelen1 = readUTF(buffer, propslen - valuelen)
- value = (value, value1)
- valuelen += valuelen1
- return value, valuelen
- def getNameFromIdent(self, identifier):
- rc = None
- for name in self.names:
- if self.names[name] == identifier:
- rc = name
- return rc
- def unpack(self, buffer):
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- buffer = bytearray(buffer)
- self.clear()
- # deserialize properties into attributes from buffer received from network
- propslen, VBIlen = VariableByteIntegers.decode(buffer)
- buffer = buffer[VBIlen:] # strip the bytes used by the VBI
- propslenleft = propslen
- while propslenleft > 0: # properties length is 0 if there are none
- identifier, VBIlen = VariableByteIntegers.decode(
- buffer) # property identifier
- buffer = buffer[VBIlen:] # strip the bytes used by the VBI
- propslenleft -= VBIlen
- attr_type = self.properties[identifier][0]
- value, valuelen = self.readProperty(
- buffer, attr_type, propslenleft)
- buffer = buffer[valuelen:] # strip the bytes used by the value
- propslenleft -= valuelen
- propname = self.getNameFromIdent(identifier)
- compressedName = propname.replace(' ', '')
- if not self.allowsMultiple(compressedName) and hasattr(self, compressedName):
- raise MQTTException(
- "Property '%s' must not exist more than once" % property)
- setattr(self, propname, value)
- return self, propslen + VBIlen