12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- wechatpy.parser
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This module provides functions for parsing WeChat messages
- :copyright: (c) 2014 by messense.
- :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
- import xmltodict
- from library.wechatpy.messages import MESSAGE_TYPES, UnknownMessage
- from library.wechatpy.events import EVENT_TYPES
- from library import to_text
- def parse_message(xml):
- """
- 解析微信服务器推送的 XML 消息
- :param xml: XML 消息
- :return: 解析成功返回对应的消息或事件,否则返回 ``UnknownMessage``
- """
- if not xml:
- return
- message = xmltodict.parse(to_text(xml))['xml']
- message_type = message['MsgType'].lower()
- event_type = None
- if message_type == 'event' or message_type.startswith('device_'):
- if 'Event' in message:
- event_type = message['Event'].lower()
- # special event type for device_event
- if event_type is None and message_type.startswith('device_'):
- event_type = message_type
- elif message_type.startswith('device_'):
- event_type = 'device_{event}'.format(event=event_type)
- if event_type == 'subscribe' and message.get('EventKey'):
- event_key = message['EventKey']
- if event_key.startswith(('scanbarcode|', 'scanimage|')):
- event_type = 'subscribe_scan_product'
- message['Event'] = event_type
- elif event_key.startswith('qrscene_'):
- # Scan to subscribe with scene id event
- event_type = 'subscribe_scan'
- message['Event'] = event_type
- message['EventKey'] = event_key[len('qrscene_'):]
- message_class = EVENT_TYPES.get(event_type, UnknownMessage)
- else:
- message_class = MESSAGE_TYPES.get(message_type, UnknownMessage)
- return message_class(message)