123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # !/usr/bin/env python
- import atexit
- import os
- import shutil
- import tempfile
- import pytest
- from django.http import HttpRequest
- from mockredis import MockRedis
- from typing import List, Any
- from apilib.utils_json import JsonResponse
- from apps.web.ad.models import Advertisement
- from apps.web.agent.models import Agent
- from apps.web.common.models import WithdrawRecord, Banks
- from apps.web.common.transaction import WithdrawStatus
- from apps.web.core import ROLE
- from apps.web.core.models import WechatAuthApp, WechatPayApp, AliApp, WechatManagerApp, \
- WechatUserManagerApp
- from apps.web.core.payment.wechat import WechatPaymentGateway
- from apps.web.dealer.define import DEALER_INCOME_TYPE
- from apps.web.dealer.models import Dealer, OnSale, OnSaleRecord
- from apps.web.device.models import Device, Group, DeviceType
- from apps.web.management.models import Manager
- from apps.web.superadmin.models import SuperManager
- from apps.web.user.models import MyUser
- from testcase.providers import generate_dict
- from .base import skip_if_no_django, RequestTestClient, WechatRequestTestClient, AlipayRequestTestClient
- from .common import *
- HOME_URL = ''
- URLS = {
- "dealer": {
- "login": "app/service/dealerLogin"
- }
- }
- ### Exceptions
- class FixtureCreationError(Exception):
- pass
- ### Resources
- @atexit.register
- def delete_all_data():
- pass
- @pytest.fixture
- def temp_dir():
- dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- yield dir_path
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session')
- def celery_config():
- return {
- 'broker_url': 'amqp://',
- 'result_backend': 'redis://'
- }
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def credentials(request):
- import simplejson as json
- path = os.path.join(request.node.fspath.dirpath().join('..').strpath, 'data', 'credentials.json')
- with open(path, 'r') as f:
- return json.load(f)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session')
- def mocked_redis():
- """
- mocked redis-py client
- :return:
- """
- return MockRedis()
- @pytest.fixture
- def http_request():
- """
- mocked django HttpRequest
- :return:
- """
- return HttpRequest()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session')
- def http_json_response(dict_):
- """
- mocked django JsonResponse
- :param dict_:
- :return:
- """
- return JsonResponse(dict_)
- ## wechat related
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def wechat_auth_app():
- yield WechatAuthApp(appid = WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def wechat_payment_app():
- WechatPayApp.objects(appid = WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, mchid = WECHAT_CONFIG.mchid).delete()
- app = WechatPayApp(
- appid = WECHAT_CONFIG.appid,
- secret = WECHAT_CONFIG.secret,
- mchid = WECHAT_CONFIG.mchid,
- apikey = WECHAT_CONFIG.apikey,
- sslCert = WECHAT_CONFIG.sslCert,
- sslKey = WECHAT_CONFIG.sslKey,
- manual_withdraw = WECHAT_CONFIG.manual_withdraw)
- app.save()
- yield app
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def wechat_managerial_app():
- yield WechatManagerApp.create(appid = WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def wechat_user_managerial_app():
- yield WechatUserManagerApp.create(appid = WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- ## alipay related
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def alipay_payment_app():
- AliApp.objects(appid = ALIPAY_CONFIG.appid).delete()
- app = AliApp(appid = ALIPAY_CONFIG.appid,
- public_key_path = ALIPAY_CONFIG.alipayPublicKey,
- app_private_key_path = ALIPAY_CONFIG.appPrivateKey)
- app.save()
- yield app
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_wechat_auth_app():
- yield WechatAuthApp(appid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_wechat_payment_app():
- WechatPayApp.objects(appid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, mchid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.mchid).delete()
- app = WechatPayApp(
- appid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.appid,
- secret = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.secret,
- mchid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.mchid,
- apikey = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.apikey,
- sslCert = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.sslCert,
- manual_withdraw = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.manual_withdraw)
- app.save()
- yield app
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_wechat_managerial_app():
- yield WechatManagerApp.create(appid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_wechat_user_managerial_app():
- yield WechatUserManagerApp.create(appid = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.appid, secret = DEFAULT_WECHAT_CONFIG.secret)
- ## alipay related
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_alipay_payment_app():
- AliApp.objects(appid = DEFAULT_ALIPAY_CONFIG.appid).delete()
- app = AliApp(appid = DEFAULT_ALIPAY_CONFIG.appid,
- public_key_path = DEFAULT_ALIPAY_CONFIG.public_key_path,
- app_private_key_path = DEFAULT_ALIPAY_CONFIG.app_private_key_path)
- app.save()
- yield app
- ## Sensible Defaults
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_agent(default_wechat_auth_app, default_wechat_managerial_app, default_wechat_user_managerial_app,
- default_wechat_payment_app, default_alipay_payment_app, default_wechat_mini_app):
- """
- 需要设置一个默认的支持所有功能的代理商
- :return:
- """
- Agent.objects(id = DEFAULT_AGENT_ID).delete()
- agent = Agent(**DEFAULT_AGENT_FIXTURE) # type: Agent
- agent.payAppWechat = default_wechat_payment_app
- agent.wechatLoginAuthApp = default_wechat_auth_app
- agent.wechatUserManagerialApp = default_wechat_user_managerial_app
- agent.wechatDealerManagerialApp = default_wechat_managerial_app
- agent.payAppAli = default_alipay_payment_app
- agent.save()
- agent.payAppWechat.occupant = agent
- agent.payAppAli.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatLoginAuthApp.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatUserManagerialApp.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatDealerManagerialApp.occupant = agent
- yield agent
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def default_manager():
- # type: ()->Manager
- """
- :return:
- """
- _ = Manager.objects(id = DEFAULT_MANAGER_ID).update(upsert = True, **DEFAULT_MANAGER_FIXTURE)
- if _:
- doc = Manager.objects(id = DEFAULT_MANAGER_ID).get() # type: Manager
- doc.set_password(DEFAULT_MANAGER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield doc
- else:
- raise FixtureCreationError('cannot create default Manager fixture, id=%s' % (str(DEFAULT_MANAGER_ID)))
- ### Data models
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def device(dealer):
- # type: (Any)->Device
- """
- a device dict
- :return:
- """
- Device.objects(id = DEVICE_ID).delete()
- Device.invalid_device_cache(DEVICE_FIXTURE['devNo'])
- _ = Device(**DEVICE_FIXTURE).save() # .cached
- yield _
- @pytest.fixture()
- def multiple_devices():
- # type: ()->List[Device]
- yield []
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def device_type():
- # type: ()->DeviceType
- """
- :return:
- """
- DeviceType.objects(id = DEVICE_TYPE_ID).delete()
- _ = DeviceType(**DEVICE_TYPE_FIXTURE).save()
- yield _
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def source_key():
- # type: ()->str
- yield 'ledger-wechat-{}-1510834731'.format(AGENT_ID)
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def dealer(agent_no_customized):
- # type: ()->Dealer
- """
- a Dealer object
- :return:
- """
- Dealer.objects(id = DEALER_ID).delete()
- Dealer.invalid_cache(DEALER_ID)
- _ = Dealer(**DEALER_FIXTURE).save()
- _.set_password(DEALER_FIXTURE['password'])
- _._raw_password = DEALER_FIXTURE['raw_password']
- yield _
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def partner():
- # type: ()->Dealer
- """
- :return:
- """
- Dealer.objects(id = PARTNER_ID).delete()
- Dealer.invalid_cache(PARTNER_ID)
- _ = Dealer(**PARTNER_FIXTURE).save()
- _.set_password(PARTNER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield _
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def sole_group():
- # type: ()->Group
- _ = Group.objects(id = GROUP_ID).update(upsert = True, **SOLE_GROUP_FIXTURE)
- if _:
- doc = Group.objects(id = GROUP_ID).get()
- yield doc
- else:
- raise FixtureCreationError('cannot create GROUP_ID fixture, id=%s' % (str(GROUP_ID)))
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session', autouse = True)
- def partner_group():
- # type: ()->Group
- _ = Group.objects(id = PARTNER_GROUP_ID).update(upsert = True, **PARTNER_GROUP_FIXTURE)
- if _:
- doc = Group.objects(id = PARTNER_GROUP_ID).get()
- yield doc
- else:
- raise FixtureCreationError('cannot create PARTNER_GROUP_ID fixture, id=%s' % (str(PARTNER_GROUP_ID)))
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def agent(wechat_auth_app, wechat_payment_app, wechat_managerial_app, wechat_user_managerial_app, alipay_payment_app, manager):
- # type: (WechatAuthApp, WechatPayApp, WechatManagerApp, WechatUserManagerApp, AliApp, Manager)->Agent
- """
- :return:
- """
- Agent.objects(id = AGENT_ID).delete()
- agent = Agent(**AGENT_FIXTURE) # type: Agent
- agent.payAppWechat = wechat_payment_app
- agent.wechatLoginAuthApp = wechat_auth_app
- agent.wechatUserManagerialApp = wechat_user_managerial_app
- agent.wechatDealerManagerialApp = wechat_managerial_app
- agent.payAppAli = alipay_payment_app
- agent.save()
- agent.payAppWechat.occupant = agent
- agent.payAppAli.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatLoginAuthApp.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatUserManagerialApp.occupant = agent
- agent.wechatDealerManagerialApp.occupant = agent
- yield agent
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def agent_no_customized(bankcard):
- # type: (*Any)->Agent
- """
- :return:
- """
- Agent.objects(id = AGENT_ID).delete()
- agent = Agent(**AGENT_NO_CUSTOMIZED_FIXTURE) # type: Agent
- agent.save()
- yield agent
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def manager():
- # type: ()->Manager
- """
- :return:
- """
- _ = Manager.objects(id = MANAGER_ID).update(upsert = True, **MANAGER_FIXTURE)
- if _:
- doc = Manager.objects(id = MANAGER_ID).get() # type: Manager
- doc.set_password(MANAGER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield doc
- else:
- raise FixtureCreationError('cannot create Manager fixture, id=%s' % (str(MANAGER_ID)))
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def super_manager():
- # type: ()->SuperManager
- """
- :return:
- """
- SuperManager.objects(id = SUPER_MANAGER_ID).delete()
- doc = SuperManager(id = SUPER_MANAGER_ID, username = SUPER_MANAGER_FIXTURE['username']).save()
- doc.set_password(SUPER_MANAGER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield doc
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def user():
- # type: ()->MyUser
- """
- :return:
- """
- _ = MyUser.objects(id = MY_USER_ID).update(upsert = True, **MY_USER_FIXTURE)
- if _:
- return MyUser.objects(id = MY_USER_ID).get()
- else:
- raise FixtureCreationError('cannot create MyUser fixture, id=%s' % (str(MY_USER_ID)))
- ### Clients
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def client():
- """A Django test client instance.
- :return:
- """
- skip_if_no_django()
- client = RequestTestClient()
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def wechat_client():
- client = WechatRequestTestClient()
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def alipay_client():
- client = AlipayRequestTestClient()
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def manager_client():
- """
- a client with manager role
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_manager(username = MANAGER_FIXTURE['username'], password = MANAGER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture()
- def super_manager_client():
- """
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_super_manager(username = SUPER_MANAGER_FIXTURE['username'],
- password = SUPER_MANAGER_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def dealer_client(dealer):
- """
- a client with dealer role
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client._re_login = lambda: client.login_as_dealer(username = DEALER_FIXTURE['username'],
- password = DEALER_FIXTURE['password'],
- agentId = DEALER_FIXTURE['agentId'])
- client._re_login()
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def agent_client():
- """
- a client with agent role
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_agent(username = AGENT_FIXTURE['username'], password = AGENT_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'session')
- def default_agent_client(default_agent):
- """
- a client with agent role
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_agent(username = DEFAULT_AGENT_FIXTURE['username'], password = DEFAULT_AGENT_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture(scope = 'function')
- def agent_no_customized_client(agent_no_customized):
- """
- a client with agent role
- :return:
- """
- client = RequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_agent(username = AGENT_NO_CUSTOMIZED_FIXTURE['username'],
- password = AGENT_NO_CUSTOMIZED_FIXTURE['password'])
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture
- def wechat_user_client(user, wechat_managerial_app, wechat_payment_app, wechat_auth_app):
- """
- a client with end user model
- :return:
- """
- client = WechatRequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_endUser(openId = user.openId, groupId = user.groupId)
- yield client
- client.logout()
- @pytest.fixture
- def alipay_user_client(user):
- """
- :return:
- """
- client = AlipayRequestTestClient()
- client.login_as_endUser(openId = user.openId, groupId = user.groupId)
- yield client
- client.logout()
- # Others
- @pytest.fixture()
- def pay_after_ad():
- yield Advertisement(**PAY_AFTER_AD_FIXTURE)
- @pytest.fixture()
- def banner_ad():
- yield Advertisement(**BANNER_AD_FIXTURE)
- @pytest.fixture()
- def onsale():
- OnSaleRecord.objects().delete()
- _ = OnSale(**ON_SALE_FIXTURE).save()
- yield _
- _.delete()
- @pytest.fixture()
- def dealerWithdrawRecord():
- payload = generate_dict(WithdrawRecord)
- payload['phone'] = DEALER_FIXTURE['username']
- payload['name'] = DEALER_FIXTURE['nickname']
- payload['ownerId'] = DEALER_FIXTURE['id']
- payload['role'] = ROLE.dealer
- payload['incomeType'] = DEALER_INCOME_TYPE.DEVICE_INCOME
- payload['serviceFee'] = RMB('0.08')
- payload['amount'] = RMB('10')
- payload['status'] = WithdrawStatus.SUCCEEDED
- payload['order'] = WithdrawRecord.make_no(ROLE.dealer, DEALER_FIXTURE['id'])
- payload['withdrawFeeRatio'] = 8
- _ = WithdrawRecord(**payload).save()
- yield _
- _.delete()
- @pytest.fixture()
- def gateway_key(default_agent):
- return WechatPaymentGateway(default_agent.payAppWechat).gateway_key
- @pytest.fixture()
- def gateway(default_agent):
- return WechatPaymentGateway(default_agent.payAppWechat)